martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

October 2016 USA Update from Divine Will Foundation PART I

October 2016 USA Update from Divine Will Foundation PART I
USA Update from the
Divine Will Foundation
Part I
October 2016 PART I
Sairam to You All,

We are writing this on National Gratitude day (though it probably won't reach you for some time, as so much is happening).  We are personally incredibly grateful to Swami that we are sharing this journey with you.  Swami's love and mission continue in this new form stronger than ever.  He has said that in His physical frame, He only completed 1/3 of His mission…the remaining 2/3 are happening over the next few years.  This is a bit mind blowing, considering all that Swami did in His Physical time with us.  However, as we look around the world at all that is happening, we are getting a glimpse about what He is hinting.

It has been quite a whirlwind in the Subtle Sai World since we last wrote, and it's time to share what's been going on. Currently, Jennie and I just returned from a truly amazing, magical visit with Swami to the Islands of Fiji -- now known as the Sailands.  There will be much written about this trip and we will post as much as possible on the Divine Will Foundation (DWF) website soon (

With so much going on, it is quite difficult for all of us to learn all that Swami is doing.  One of the best websites we have for info has just reached it's first birthday.  Put out every few days, it is a great place to get details on Swami's mission as well as some great photos.  The address is:   (this link is also on the DWF website under the "Links" tab).
Shortly, we will be accompanying Swami on His travels to South America.  When I mentioned to Swami the fast pace He was setting, He laughed and said it is only going to speed up!!!   

David and Jennie

PS:  This is Part I of a two part newsletter.  Look for Part II which will come in a separate email.
Fiji Trip
A quick view of the highlights of the Fiji trip include the dedication of the Ashram land in Fiji near Suva.  This was done with a puja conducted by Swami's pujari from Muddenahalli, the same priest who officiated at the Ati Rudra Maha Lingam Puja.  This was followed by a public meeting and a very enjoyable (read that as heavenly) retreat on the island of Musket Cove along with devotees from Singapore, Fiji, Malaysia and the three of us (Jennie, Bobby Patel and I) from the USA.  Swami was incredibly playful while at the same time giving deeply meaningful and very powerful discourses.   These will be available soon on the DWF website under the "Links" tab or at
All the discourses given by Swami throughout the world are also posted on this website, including the discourses from His recent visit.  This is a real gem for devotees who want to read Swami's words asap as they are published within a couple of weeks of Swami's visit to each country.  Isaac Tigrett and his team have worked tirelessly to get these posted as soon as humanly possible.
Swami blessed the second mobile health vehicle that His devotees in Fiji have put together to serve the villagers. He shocked us all and said He will establish a super specialty hospital in Fiji, which will be the first of the Sanjeevani Hospitals outside of India!!!  We also know that another hospital was recently inaugurated by Swami in Nigeria and another one is currently being built in Sri Lanka. He reminded us that there are other hospitals coming up in India in addition to the one in Raipur and the one to be inaugurated in Delhi on November 26th. You can read about the Sanjeevani Hospitals by clicking here.
Many of you have asked about the availability of the Uvacha series of books which include Swami's discourses given in His Subtle Form.  Up until now these books had to be ordered directly from India, or hand carried back by devotees who visited Muddenahalli. Well, we have some great news!!!! Swami has directed us to print all the books in the USA.  A team is being formed and we hope to facilitate this by the end of the year. 

In the meantime, a devotee is making the books available through her website as she has received a fairly complete shipment from India.  For further info or to order, please click here.
USA Ashram/Retreat Centers
First off, there will now be at least two.  One in northern California and one in southern California.  The negotiations for the one in Northern California are currently underway under the direction of a team led by Divyogi Patel.  
We just got Swami's approval for a site for the center in Southern California.  We are putting together a team to deal with all the necessities involved in that project now.  With Swami's grace, this will come together very soon.  We will post updates on the website as soon as things start to happen.  Swami made a comment about the Northern California Ashram being about 'action' while the Southern California one would be more focused on 'inspiration', though the two will have both things going on. I jokingly said to one of my Northern California brothers that it is "inspiration and perspiration" combined.   

Swami gave a powerful discourse about how His grace is always being there for good works but that we need to put in our very best efforts.  He told us that when things don't seem to work out it is because of a lack of effort on our part, as His grace is always with us.  This matches the teaching in the Gita of "do your best, God will do the rest" with the caveat of making sure you actually do your best.
Guru Vikas
In 2015, Swami announced the launch of a program called Guru Vikas.  He said of this new global movement:   "This will be a beacon light for teachers  all around the world to transform themselves  in order to transform the nation, through education!"  

As a step in the development of the Guru Vikas program in the US, Swami has instructed Ron and Suwanti Farmer, from Australia, to go to many countries and conduct workshops bringing their vast knowledge of the human values to mainstream education by teaching the teachers.  They are two psychologists with extensive experience in the clinical, educational, and training realms, who are directors of the Toogoolawa schools for troubled boys.  

We are very fortunate as they will be coming to the US in January 2017 and will be conducting a one day introductory workshop on January 7th in Encinitas, CA entitled "Peaceful Mind/Open Heart: Doorway to Teacher and Student Well-Being." This workshop is open to anyone who wishes to attend (adults 18 years and older).  If you are interested, please register below. We will be sending out more information nearer the time.  If you have any questions please email us at 
2017 January Guru Vikas Workshop
Saturday, January 7th
Encinitas, California
Workshop Registration
If you want further information about or wish to participate in any of these projects or have any questions about the Subtle Sai Mission, please feel free to contact us at:
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